Our Mexico SunSeeker and Jeep

Our Mexico SunSeeker and Jeep
Our Mexico SunSeeker and Jeep

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 1st

The first of each month is when the pups get their monthly flea&tick medication. It's a topical med in liquid form that is put between their shoulders.  It doesn't hurt in any way so they don't mind it. What they do mind is having to stay out of the water two days prior to application and two days following.

Leo got an unexpected treat today. He has always carried around an old pillow. Kind of like the security blanket Linus has in the Peanuts cartoon.  However after awhile the pillow gets holes in it and the stuffing falls out. His latest one had as much duct tape holding it together than material.  This morning there was a young man walking down our street selling pillows. He sold them in pairs but seeing how badly Leo needed his replaced I bought a couple.  After giving him his new one, the duct taped old one had a one way trip to the trash can.

When ever we drive to Guayabitos we pass a BBQ Rib place on the highway and so today we decided to stop and buy dinner. We got orders to go and because we hadn't been there before, I made the mistake of asking for two orders. When we opened the bags of food when we got home we found two platters of ribs, a big bag of French Fries, two large salads, big bag of Torta chips with two ziplock size bags of salsa and two ziplock size bags of coleslaw.  We barely got through one of the platters of ribs and French Fries.  Guess whats for supper tomorrow.
                                     Roadside BBQ Ribs

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